KB Cubs

KB has been a major part of my life for over 15 years, in fact I have been present in one form or another from the very beginning. I have watched as KB has evolved from a small martial arts class running a couple of times a week in a school sports hall, to an organisation that has classes running across the UK, and indeed as far away as South Africa. I am proud that I have been party to that journey, often to have been found elbow deep in tea bags at events, molding couat journey, often to have been found elbow deep in tea bags at events, molding couat journey, often to have been found elbow deep in tea bags at events, molding couat journey, often to have been found elbow deep in tea bags at events, molding couat journey, often to have been found elbow deep in tea bags at events, molding couat journey, often to have been found elbow deep in tea bags at events, molding

Being party to the whole journey of KB, has made me realise how imp
ntless amounts of gum guards at competitions, and even dressed as a giant panda in the local Christmas parade.
Being married to someone who runs their own business often means that the business seeps into the very pores of family life, and that is very true of KB, but I do have to reluctantly admit that I wouldn’t have it any other way. KB is woven right into the fibres of our family – I think our eldest was 4 weeks old when she was at her first grading session (which back then took place on a weekend, once a month). She is now 8 years old, has been attending sessions regularly since age 3 and currently trains for 2 ½ hours a week – all, I might add, for the sheer joy of it. Never once have I had to actively encourage her to go to a session – she lives for her classes and will ask to go to seminars and events, when I think she might actually appreciate a break. Our youngest also has the bug, and at age 4 it’s the only club she shows the slightest interest in attending, and swears she will be going until she has ‘all’ the belts.